Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog...

So.  Let us introduce ourselves...I'm Amy...and I'm Ginny.  And we are YAddicts, Muahahaha!  Okay, so as we said in the description (just below the title), we decided to start this blog for other peeps who enjoy reading YA books as much as we do.  Our significant others, two men who are just not that into YA material, have been going a little bonkers because we dedicate a lot of our free time to reading and trying to discuss stories that we enjoy with them.  We also incessantly discuss what we are reading with each other, and we decided we need more perspective from outside of our bubble.  So in order to keep them sane and us excited, we decided to join the gazillion other book bloggers and give blogging a whirl.

Let's start by looking at the title of this post...Isn't it the ultimate question?  We have been discussing starting a blog for a very long time now on the genre.  We are very busy ladies who work with kiddos in two different fields, and frankly, they exhaust us (although, we would never let them know that because then they would use it against us) so when we were talking about all of the ideas we had for one, it was tiresome just thinking about how much time, work, energy, and stamina it would take to achieve what we would like to.  Also, as stated before, there are a gazillion other YA book blogs (we counted, and that is the actual number (: ) already out there with a similar premise.  So, to sum it up, we are totally winging it and hope that we get a few followers that can understand/tolerate if we can't treat this like a full time job. (By the way, if anyone would like pay us so we can make it our full time job we are totally up for it, but with our combined 100 and something thousand dollar education debt...we're not talking peanuts...).

Here, we will be posting reviews of books that we have read in the past and read recently in the hopes that you guys (gals, zombies, animals, etc.) will pick up a book, or download an e-book, that you might otherwise not have and will discuss your likes, dislikes, and other books that you recommend.  We will be happy to accept guest blogs, collaborate on other's blogs, and read YA books to review for writers trying to get their names out (although, we may not be able to give said writers a definitive date that the review will be posted, at this point anyway). We will also attempt to hold contests and polls and other fun things once we really get going.

So, until we meet again, have a wonderful day, happy week, exciting month, and sassy new year.

~Amy and Ginny~

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